
Pujya Guruji, Swami Tejomayananda said, “We have to learn the art of living, but alongside we need to learn the art of leaving. That is the focus of the stage of life called vanaprastha.”

Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda initiated the vanaprastha movement in the 1980s, which evolved into the Chinmaya Vanaprastha Sansthan (CVS). CVS is meant for guiding senior citizens toward the very goal of their life called Self-Realisation – to declare, “Enough of all worldly pursuits!”



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Vanaprastha is the period of inquiry, of turning toward God. It is the path of graceful aging…not the age of helplessness. At this stage of life, they become supportive of and useful to society. Aging is not decaying; it is maturing for the inward journey. It is the birth into empowerment – leaving the world of dependency on objects and relationships.


COORDINATOR : Vijayakumar.B

Ph: 9895924358