Shishu Vihar

Shishuvihar – Baby steps to divinity

This is Chinmaya Mission’s youngest and cutest wing built on Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s popular phrase -‘catch them young’. Shishuvihar is a parent-child forum to introduce Hinduism to toddlers and infants in interesting and captivating ways.

Did you know? 50% of the brain neuropaths are formed before age of 3. By 5 years, 90% of brain formation is complete. Shishuvihar aids the growth of a child aged 1-6 to help form a spiritual and moral foundation that will always stay with them. These classes help grow a spiritual bond between the parent and their tiny tots.

Classes follow a modern structure of play groups where children learn through the following methods, appropriate to their age groups.

Prayers, Action songs & Bhajans
Dynamic Stories on Gods and Gurus
Games and Activities
Festival Celebrations
Art & Craft

Coordinator by : Preethiraj.S

phone no: 9946669127